Thursday, December 6, 2007

Christmas Tree Hunting 2007

Well, it's that time of year when we are so busy and the days go by so fast! This year I am trying to enjoy every day and really appreciate what Christmas is all about! I am getting started so late this year that the "old" me would get stressed out but I am really proud of myself! I will get all the shopping and baking done! The presents will get wrapped and my Christmas cards will go out before too long! This year I am looking at all that I have to be thankful for. I have faith in Christ Jesus! My boys are healthy and happy! I have a wonderful husband - even though I may be hard to live with sometimes- hence the "new" me! I have wonderful friends and family! What else could I ask for?!?! I hope you take time to enjoy all your many blessings and have a wonderful holiday season!!!


Kristin said...

You are so right!! Christmas is such a "busy" time that it is easy to forget the "reason for the season". We are all guilty of it. Thank you for reminding me to be happy and feel so blessed to have such a wonderful life. Enjoy your family, have fun getting the baking done and the presents wrapped. Sometimes a little pressure adds to the excitement!
Merry Christmas!

Jodi said...

Pressure is right! I truly believe I function on pressure! Thanks for updating-great pictures!!