Sunday, January 11, 2009

Who turned 11 years old??????

I still can't believe I have an eleven year old! It's amazing how fast time goes by! We have been watching old movies of when Jacob and Zachary were little and it really hits you... they do grow up so fast- in a blink of an eye in fact! We are quite amazed at how Jacob has turned out to be such a responsible and caring boy. When he was a toddler and preschooler he was, what do I call it, quite hyper. He was a happy boy but very curious and quite active. If anyone of my friends and family can remember I'm sure they could attest to that. So, when I look at him and watch him- I am amazed! He has turned out more than Kevin and I could ever hoped for as our oldest son. Sure, he is not perfect- he still can't keep still even if his life depended on it, but I would not ask for a better son than him!! We love him with all our hearts and he is a wonderful role model for his little brothers to look up to! We pray that he will continue to amaze us as he enters the tumultuous years ahead- amaze us in good ways, that is!!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Why is Jacob covering his face?? Is he embarrassed? Or is the heat just too much with ELEVEN candles on the cake??